Global street style photos by Miyelle Karmi

Category: Havana

Viva Cuba!

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When wandering through Havana I stumbled upon a makeshift barbershop down an alleyway. This a perfect example of how proud Cubans are of their country- shaving the flag into their hair. Amazing!

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The colours of Callejón de Hamel



Callejón de Hamel is the hub of Afro-Cuban culture in Havana. Like nowhere else in the city, this nook with its psychedelic murals and mesmerizing rumba music is a kaleidoscope for the eyes and ears. It was a pleasure to discover Rafael and Hilberto who aren’t shy to go all out in their colours of choice.



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Crowds flock here every Sunday afternoon to dance to the rumba beats, hang out with their buddies and of course, sip on a cool mojito. It’s a must-see for anyone visiting Havana.

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Red flowers